Spring 2015
Summer 2015
Path Through History weekend celebrated with unveiling of NYS Historical Marker for the Palatine Trail;
Suitcases of History presented at BKW; Health and Hygiene Program;
Stevens Family Program;
unveiling of NYS Historical Marker for Toll Gate #3;
Metal Detection Program
President Lincoln visits Knox
Winter 2015
KHS Activities 2014
2014 Summary of Activities
January 2014: Barn Quilt
Spring 2014: Quilts of the Civil War
April 2014: Suitcases of History
July 2014: Pillbox Industry
August 2014: Quilts of Berne and Knox
August 2014: Righteous Rebellion
September 2104: The Guide-Board Display
October 2014: Lous Saddlemire's talk about the early days of Knox and the Saddlemire Homestead
October 2014: Civil War Display
Fall 2014: Sprucing Up
November 2014: Book About Schoolhouse #5
KHS Activities 2013
June 2013 Stevens Family and the Mobil Station
June 2013 Memories of Knox as recollected by Lou Saddlemire and Bob Stevens
July 2013 Rededication of the Patriots Room
August 2013 One Room School-House Days
October 2013 Making of the documentary Righteous Rebellion
October 2013: Righteous Rebellion
KHS Activities 2012
August 2012: Quilt Show