Meeting minutes 2024
The June 4, 2024 Knox Historical Society meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by Pres. Dennis Barber. Members present included Gary Crewell, Jay Francis, Jeff Fusco-Jones, Donna Gwin, Charlene Scoons, and Anna Wolfe.
Minutes: Gary made a motion to approve the May minutes that were emailed. Charlene seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s report: KHS total assets are $6,147.73. We have $1,504.23 in the checking account. We have $410.76 in the preferred savings account. We have $4,232.57 in the CD. Membership dues have been collected, $260.00 We received $50 from the Colonie senior citizens who visited the Homestead and took a brief tour of the Helderberg Quilt Barn Trail on May 9. We received $67 from sales of glasses, ornaments, and pill boxes on Memorial Day. Jay made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report. Gary seconded it. Motion passed.
We welcomed new member Jeff Fusco-Jones.
Old Business: Gary will attend the Town Board meeting on June 11. Bids are being received for work on the Saddlemire Homestead. The Town has committed to spending $30,000 this year on the Homestead to repair the basement wall, gutters, porch, and painting. The Town has applied for a grant for additional funding.
A copy, on a thumb drive, of the Anti-Rent War play has been placed in the KHS archive box in the Town Hall. We have additional copies of the play on thumb drives.
Ray Weiler replaced the dimmer switch in the Reading Room in the Homestead.
KHS can apply in July to the Pomeroy Foundation for funding for an historical marker. After discussion it was decided to ask for funding for a marker about the Knox Caves. The Cave Conservancy in the past asked that if there was a marker that it not be placed near the entrance to the cave for safety reasons. Members decided that the lawn of the Homestead would be an appropriate sit for the marker. Donna will contact Mike Nardacci to see if he approves of the site. We will also check with the Town. Application to the Pomeroy Foundation will be done in July.
Voting was held in May for officers and trustees. After checking with potential trustees who were not at the May meeting a new vote was held for trustees positions: Jay Francis, Nancy Frueh, and Jeff Fusco-Jones. The trustees slate passed unanimously.
New Business:
KHS will have a table at the Puckerstreet Fair on Sat., June 15 from 2-5 pm. Gary, Charlene, and Dennis will set up the display and man the table from 2-4 pm. Donna and Dennis will man the table from 4-5 pm. We will sell glasses, ornaments, pillboxes and have a calendar of upcoming events. Gary has a pop-up tent that we can use. Anna will email June Springer notifying her of our participation in the fair.
There is a new barn quilt on the Altamont Spray Welding Business on Rt. 146 and Lewis Road. Gary knows the owner and will ask if they wish to be a part of the HQBT.
Anna received prototypes of quilt barn squares from Vicki Vatimo. The squares were made by John Elberfeld. We have 11 1x1 squares and 2 2x2 squares. Donna made a motion to accept the squares and Jay seconded the motion. The motion passed. Gary suggested KHS mount a few of the squares to a frame and set it on the Homestead porch. Perhaps other squares can be offered to organizations and residents who would like to add them to their property and be a part of the HQBT.
On Memorial Day Jessie Chartier donated items found in his home on Rt. 156. Items included a woman’s portrait on paper, nightgown, cap, and garters, and a black hat, all circa late 1800’s. Gary made a motion to accept the items, Charlene seconded the motion, and motion passed.
Gary and Dennis will work on improving the Tool Room.
Mrs. Kelsch offered skates used at the Knox Cave Roller Rink. Anna will contact her.
The Saddlemire Homestead will be open on Sun., July 14 and July 28 and Aug 18, from 2-4 pm.
KHS plans to participate in Path Through History Oct. 12-14.
Suggestions were made for a Cemetery Walk in October. Jeff will check out ideas.
Gary suggested that volunteers in the Homestead wear lanyards with cards to identify them to visitors. Dennis suggested that the Town seal be on the 3x5 card.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Gwin, Secretary
Minutes: Gary made a motion to approve the May minutes that were emailed. Charlene seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s report: KHS total assets are $6,147.73. We have $1,504.23 in the checking account. We have $410.76 in the preferred savings account. We have $4,232.57 in the CD. Membership dues have been collected, $260.00 We received $50 from the Colonie senior citizens who visited the Homestead and took a brief tour of the Helderberg Quilt Barn Trail on May 9. We received $67 from sales of glasses, ornaments, and pill boxes on Memorial Day. Jay made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report. Gary seconded it. Motion passed.
We welcomed new member Jeff Fusco-Jones.
Old Business: Gary will attend the Town Board meeting on June 11. Bids are being received for work on the Saddlemire Homestead. The Town has committed to spending $30,000 this year on the Homestead to repair the basement wall, gutters, porch, and painting. The Town has applied for a grant for additional funding.
A copy, on a thumb drive, of the Anti-Rent War play has been placed in the KHS archive box in the Town Hall. We have additional copies of the play on thumb drives.
Ray Weiler replaced the dimmer switch in the Reading Room in the Homestead.
KHS can apply in July to the Pomeroy Foundation for funding for an historical marker. After discussion it was decided to ask for funding for a marker about the Knox Caves. The Cave Conservancy in the past asked that if there was a marker that it not be placed near the entrance to the cave for safety reasons. Members decided that the lawn of the Homestead would be an appropriate sit for the marker. Donna will contact Mike Nardacci to see if he approves of the site. We will also check with the Town. Application to the Pomeroy Foundation will be done in July.
Voting was held in May for officers and trustees. After checking with potential trustees who were not at the May meeting a new vote was held for trustees positions: Jay Francis, Nancy Frueh, and Jeff Fusco-Jones. The trustees slate passed unanimously.
New Business:
KHS will have a table at the Puckerstreet Fair on Sat., June 15 from 2-5 pm. Gary, Charlene, and Dennis will set up the display and man the table from 2-4 pm. Donna and Dennis will man the table from 4-5 pm. We will sell glasses, ornaments, pillboxes and have a calendar of upcoming events. Gary has a pop-up tent that we can use. Anna will email June Springer notifying her of our participation in the fair.
There is a new barn quilt on the Altamont Spray Welding Business on Rt. 146 and Lewis Road. Gary knows the owner and will ask if they wish to be a part of the HQBT.
Anna received prototypes of quilt barn squares from Vicki Vatimo. The squares were made by John Elberfeld. We have 11 1x1 squares and 2 2x2 squares. Donna made a motion to accept the squares and Jay seconded the motion. The motion passed. Gary suggested KHS mount a few of the squares to a frame and set it on the Homestead porch. Perhaps other squares can be offered to organizations and residents who would like to add them to their property and be a part of the HQBT.
On Memorial Day Jessie Chartier donated items found in his home on Rt. 156. Items included a woman’s portrait on paper, nightgown, cap, and garters, and a black hat, all circa late 1800’s. Gary made a motion to accept the items, Charlene seconded the motion, and motion passed.
Gary and Dennis will work on improving the Tool Room.
Mrs. Kelsch offered skates used at the Knox Cave Roller Rink. Anna will contact her.
The Saddlemire Homestead will be open on Sun., July 14 and July 28 and Aug 18, from 2-4 pm.
KHS plans to participate in Path Through History Oct. 12-14.
Suggestions were made for a Cemetery Walk in October. Jeff will check out ideas.
Gary suggested that volunteers in the Homestead wear lanyards with cards to identify them to visitors. Dennis suggested that the Town seal be on the 3x5 card.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Gwin, Secretary
The May 7, 2024 Knox Historical Society meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Pres. Dennis Barber. Members present included Gary Crewell, Jay Francis, Donna Gwin, Charlene Scoons, Henry Whipple, and Anna Wolfe. Town Supervisor Russ Pokorny also attended.
Treasurer’s report: KHS total assets are $5,738.37. We have $1110.67 in the checking account. We have $410.71 in the preferred savings account. We have $4,216.82 in the CD. Anna personally purchased the Town of Knox ledgers, 1831-1887 from Dennis Holzman, antiques dealer in Cohoes and donated the ledger to KHS. Membership dues were collected. Donna submitted a bill from Altamont Enterprise Printing for $19.44 for the printing of 50 copies of the Helderberg Quilt Barn Trail.
Old Business: Russ Pokorny said the Town Board has agreed to spend $30,000 this year for repairs and painting of the Saddlemire Homestead. Anna has received quotes from a few local contractors: Tyler Sigond, Ryan Coates, and an Amish group. Additional contractors will be contacted for quotes. Repairs include porch, shutters, foundation repairs, gutters and eventually painting. Gary is knowledgeable about repairs on historic buildings and will discuss with Ken Saddlemire. Dan Sherman, Town Building Inspector, will also be contacted.
Nick Viscio edited the Anti-Rent War play and gave a thumb drive with files of the play to Russ Pokorny. Russ will make additional copies and KHS will receive a copy of the thumb drive. KHS can present a viewing of the play sometime in the future.
New Business: Dennis suggested that KHS apply to the Pomeroy Foundation for funding for additional NYS Historic Markers. Dennis suggested markers for the Henry Barkley House on the corner of Rt. 156 and Knox Cave Road. This building was the site of the Knox Town Board meetings in the early years of our Town. Dennis also suggested a marker for the Knox Caves, the Barent Lewis Stone House on Bozenkill Road, and Jay Francis’ house on Rt. 156. We will check the Pomeroy website for the application forms for historic markers.
Henry re-painted several of the marker signs last fall. He said the marker on Knox-Gallupville Road needs more concrete at the base because the marker is wobbly.
Anna cleaned the Saddlemire Homestead in preparation for a Senior Citizens group that will visit on May 9. The group will tour the Homestead, eat lunch in the Town Park pavilion, and then travel on their bus to view Quilt Barns. The Helderberg Quilt Barn Trail has been updated. Copies of the Trail are available online at
The dimmer light switch in the Reading Room gets warm after it has been on for a while. Russ will ask Ray Weiler to change the light switch to a regular light switch.
Jay submitted a slate of names for officers and trustees in the KHS:
Dennis, Pres.; Gary Crewell, VP; Donna, Sec.; Anna, Treas.; Trustees, Jay, Ray Hand, Nancy Frueh. Dennis seconded the slate of names. Since Ray is not at our meeting we will contact him to see if he is able to be a trustee. The slate of name passed unanimously, pending the agreement of Nancy and Ray to be trustees.
Charlene Scoons agreed to take-over management of the Facebook page for the Helderberg Quilt Barn Trail. It was previously managed by Vicki Vatimo. Donna will arrange the contact between Vicki and Charlene.
We are considering displaying The History of Ice Harvesting at the Altamont Fair. Donna and Anna presented this history at Winterfest in Knox and at the Berne Historical Society in April.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Gwin, Secretary
Treasurer’s report: KHS total assets are $5,738.37. We have $1110.67 in the checking account. We have $410.71 in the preferred savings account. We have $4,216.82 in the CD. Anna personally purchased the Town of Knox ledgers, 1831-1887 from Dennis Holzman, antiques dealer in Cohoes and donated the ledger to KHS. Membership dues were collected. Donna submitted a bill from Altamont Enterprise Printing for $19.44 for the printing of 50 copies of the Helderberg Quilt Barn Trail.
Old Business: Russ Pokorny said the Town Board has agreed to spend $30,000 this year for repairs and painting of the Saddlemire Homestead. Anna has received quotes from a few local contractors: Tyler Sigond, Ryan Coates, and an Amish group. Additional contractors will be contacted for quotes. Repairs include porch, shutters, foundation repairs, gutters and eventually painting. Gary is knowledgeable about repairs on historic buildings and will discuss with Ken Saddlemire. Dan Sherman, Town Building Inspector, will also be contacted.
Nick Viscio edited the Anti-Rent War play and gave a thumb drive with files of the play to Russ Pokorny. Russ will make additional copies and KHS will receive a copy of the thumb drive. KHS can present a viewing of the play sometime in the future.
New Business: Dennis suggested that KHS apply to the Pomeroy Foundation for funding for additional NYS Historic Markers. Dennis suggested markers for the Henry Barkley House on the corner of Rt. 156 and Knox Cave Road. This building was the site of the Knox Town Board meetings in the early years of our Town. Dennis also suggested a marker for the Knox Caves, the Barent Lewis Stone House on Bozenkill Road, and Jay Francis’ house on Rt. 156. We will check the Pomeroy website for the application forms for historic markers.
Henry re-painted several of the marker signs last fall. He said the marker on Knox-Gallupville Road needs more concrete at the base because the marker is wobbly.
Anna cleaned the Saddlemire Homestead in preparation for a Senior Citizens group that will visit on May 9. The group will tour the Homestead, eat lunch in the Town Park pavilion, and then travel on their bus to view Quilt Barns. The Helderberg Quilt Barn Trail has been updated. Copies of the Trail are available online at
The dimmer light switch in the Reading Room gets warm after it has been on for a while. Russ will ask Ray Weiler to change the light switch to a regular light switch.
Jay submitted a slate of names for officers and trustees in the KHS:
Dennis, Pres.; Gary Crewell, VP; Donna, Sec.; Anna, Treas.; Trustees, Jay, Ray Hand, Nancy Frueh. Dennis seconded the slate of names. Since Ray is not at our meeting we will contact him to see if he is able to be a trustee. The slate of name passed unanimously, pending the agreement of Nancy and Ray to be trustees.
Charlene Scoons agreed to take-over management of the Facebook page for the Helderberg Quilt Barn Trail. It was previously managed by Vicki Vatimo. Donna will arrange the contact between Vicki and Charlene.
We are considering displaying The History of Ice Harvesting at the Altamont Fair. Donna and Anna presented this history at Winterfest in Knox and at the Berne Historical Society in April.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Gwin, Secretary