Meeting minutes 2024
The October 2, 2024 Knox Historical Society meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm. In the absence of Pres. Dennis Barber, the meeting was chaired by Vice President Gary Crewell. Members present included Jeff Fusco-Jones, Donna Gwin, Charlene Scoons, and Anna Wolfe.
Treasurer’s report: KHS total assets are $5,538.66. We paid Eastern Mutual Insurance Co. $157.81. To increase the coverage of contents of Saddlemire Homestead to $12,000, we will now pay an additional $11.10 to Eastern Mutual Insurance. This coverage does not include theft. We paid $42.26 to the Town of Guilderland for the basswood tree sign. We have $1,033.30 in the checking account. We have $410.91 in the preferred savings account. We have $4,279.67 in the CD. Donna made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report. Charlene seconded it. Motion passed.
Old Business: Gary made 10 copies of the video of the play Anti Rent Voices which we will be presenting on Sun., Oct. 13 at 2 pm in the town hall. We will sell the thumb drive copies of the video for $5. We will serve refreshments during intermission.
Gary printed out the graphic for lanyards that KHS members can wear during KHS events. Lanyards will be stored in the Homestead.
Charlene made flyers advertising the video presentation. We are hanging them in places of business in Knox, Berne, and Altamont. The presentation is on the town website. Donna wrote a letter to the editor of the Altamont Enterprise. Anna sent info for the Community Calendar page in the Altamont Enterprise. Anna suggested buying an ad in the Enterprise. She thinks the price will be $60. Charlene made a motion to purchase the ad. Donna seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Donna will email Paula Shafer, author the Anti Rent War Voices, to see if she would like to speak before the video presentation. Jeff offered to take over the KHS Facebook page. Donna will send him the link to do so.
The application for the Pomeroy Foundation grant was submitted Sept. 30. We should be notified soon if the application for the historic marker for Knox Cave is accepted.
We will accession the silver spoon donated by Henry Whipple. The spoon has an engraving of the Knoxville Academy on it and is dated 1896. We will ask Henry how his family obtained the spoon.
Anna spoke to Gerry Chartier. His son owned the Young’s house. Items from the house were donated to KHS. Items included the drawing of Mrs. Young, the nightgown, and hat. The house has been sold to Ted Loucks and most likely will now be torn down. Perhaps KHS can get photos of the house, inside and out, before it is torn down.
Work on the porch of the Saddlemire Homestead should begin soon. Gary and Jeff will remove the hostas and other bushes around the porch to make repair work easier. Bushes that are growing into the foundation will also be removed. In the spring they will attempt to unbury the sidewalk in front of the Homestead.
The lockbox for access to the Homestead will be installed after work on the Homestead is completed.
Major clean-up work was done on the Frink cemetery on Sept. 22. Henry, Gary, Charlene, and Anna removed dead trees and bushes. The cemetery stones were cleaned. We have the family history of the Frink family. Anna will send photos of the newly cleaned-up Frink cemetery to Helen Frink Strine.
Kathy Stempel is coordinating a cemetery walk program to benefit the Woodlawn Cemetery in Berne. The walk will take place on Nov. 2
Our supply of pillboxes is gone. They had been made for the Sesquicentennial. We have the tools to make a new supply. We would like to find someone in the town who knows how to make them so that pill box making does not become a lost art. Donna will email Lou Saddlemire to see if he knows of anyone with the expertise. Anna will ask Bob Stevens also.
Members have been cleaning the Reading Room and cabinets in the Homestead. We need to keep in mind that items that are accessioned cannot be discarded without approval of the members. Items then have to be de-accessioned.
Anna has the wording of the town of New Scotland’s preservation law. KHS feels that we should be notified if a home or barn in the town is going to be demolished. Gary will bring up this issue at the Knox Town Board meeting to see if Board is agreeable to a preservation law.
New Business:
There is an Albany County Commission that will be planning for the 250th anniversary of the birth of the USA, in July 2026. KHS will also be celebrating its 50th anniversary. We should think about appropriate programs that KHS can sponsor. Rebecca Chartier Hobsen is a Victorian era re-enactor. It would be great to have Mike Nardacci speak about caves in the area.
Letters, dating back to the 1890s to and from Effie Saddlemire have been obtained from Tamara Quinn. Charlene made a motion to accession the letters, Anna seconded the motion. Motion passed. Donna will accession the letters and put them into a binder.
Our next KHS meeting will be in the spring.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Gwin, Secretary
Treasurer’s report: KHS total assets are $5,538.66. We paid Eastern Mutual Insurance Co. $157.81. To increase the coverage of contents of Saddlemire Homestead to $12,000, we will now pay an additional $11.10 to Eastern Mutual Insurance. This coverage does not include theft. We paid $42.26 to the Town of Guilderland for the basswood tree sign. We have $1,033.30 in the checking account. We have $410.91 in the preferred savings account. We have $4,279.67 in the CD. Donna made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report. Charlene seconded it. Motion passed.
Old Business: Gary made 10 copies of the video of the play Anti Rent Voices which we will be presenting on Sun., Oct. 13 at 2 pm in the town hall. We will sell the thumb drive copies of the video for $5. We will serve refreshments during intermission.
Gary printed out the graphic for lanyards that KHS members can wear during KHS events. Lanyards will be stored in the Homestead.
Charlene made flyers advertising the video presentation. We are hanging them in places of business in Knox, Berne, and Altamont. The presentation is on the town website. Donna wrote a letter to the editor of the Altamont Enterprise. Anna sent info for the Community Calendar page in the Altamont Enterprise. Anna suggested buying an ad in the Enterprise. She thinks the price will be $60. Charlene made a motion to purchase the ad. Donna seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Donna will email Paula Shafer, author the Anti Rent War Voices, to see if she would like to speak before the video presentation. Jeff offered to take over the KHS Facebook page. Donna will send him the link to do so.
The application for the Pomeroy Foundation grant was submitted Sept. 30. We should be notified soon if the application for the historic marker for Knox Cave is accepted.
We will accession the silver spoon donated by Henry Whipple. The spoon has an engraving of the Knoxville Academy on it and is dated 1896. We will ask Henry how his family obtained the spoon.
Anna spoke to Gerry Chartier. His son owned the Young’s house. Items from the house were donated to KHS. Items included the drawing of Mrs. Young, the nightgown, and hat. The house has been sold to Ted Loucks and most likely will now be torn down. Perhaps KHS can get photos of the house, inside and out, before it is torn down.
Work on the porch of the Saddlemire Homestead should begin soon. Gary and Jeff will remove the hostas and other bushes around the porch to make repair work easier. Bushes that are growing into the foundation will also be removed. In the spring they will attempt to unbury the sidewalk in front of the Homestead.
The lockbox for access to the Homestead will be installed after work on the Homestead is completed.
Major clean-up work was done on the Frink cemetery on Sept. 22. Henry, Gary, Charlene, and Anna removed dead trees and bushes. The cemetery stones were cleaned. We have the family history of the Frink family. Anna will send photos of the newly cleaned-up Frink cemetery to Helen Frink Strine.
Kathy Stempel is coordinating a cemetery walk program to benefit the Woodlawn Cemetery in Berne. The walk will take place on Nov. 2
Our supply of pillboxes is gone. They had been made for the Sesquicentennial. We have the tools to make a new supply. We would like to find someone in the town who knows how to make them so that pill box making does not become a lost art. Donna will email Lou Saddlemire to see if he knows of anyone with the expertise. Anna will ask Bob Stevens also.
Members have been cleaning the Reading Room and cabinets in the Homestead. We need to keep in mind that items that are accessioned cannot be discarded without approval of the members. Items then have to be de-accessioned.
Anna has the wording of the town of New Scotland’s preservation law. KHS feels that we should be notified if a home or barn in the town is going to be demolished. Gary will bring up this issue at the Knox Town Board meeting to see if Board is agreeable to a preservation law.
New Business:
There is an Albany County Commission that will be planning for the 250th anniversary of the birth of the USA, in July 2026. KHS will also be celebrating its 50th anniversary. We should think about appropriate programs that KHS can sponsor. Rebecca Chartier Hobsen is a Victorian era re-enactor. It would be great to have Mike Nardacci speak about caves in the area.
Letters, dating back to the 1890s to and from Effie Saddlemire have been obtained from Tamara Quinn. Charlene made a motion to accession the letters, Anna seconded the motion. Motion passed. Donna will accession the letters and put them into a binder.
Our next KHS meeting will be in the spring.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Gwin, Secretary
August 6, 2024 Minutes
The August 6, 2024 Knox Historical Society meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Pres. Dennis Barber. Members present included Gary Crewell, Jay Francis, Donna Gwin, Mike Nardacci, Charlene Scoons, Henry Whipple, and Anna Wolfe.
Minutes: Gary made a motion to approve the July minutes that were emailed. Henry seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s report: KHS total assets are $5,931.39. We have $1,256.62 in the checking account. We have $410.86 in the preferred savings account. We have $4,263.74 in the CD. Membership dues have been collected, $260.00. The cost for maintaining the Weebly website for has gone up to $259.20. KHS will continue to maintain the website. Minutes of past years will be removed from the website since they are maintained on hard copy in the Homestead. Two road signs, 24x36”, have been made by Bill Vincent notifying drivers that they are entering the Town of Knox. The cost is $114.12. Gary made a motion to pay for the signs and Charlene seconded it. The motion passed. Gary made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report. Henry seconded it. Motion passed.
Historic Marker: KHS plans to apply for funding from the Pomeroy Foundation for an historic marker for the Knox Caves. Northeast Cave Conservancy (NCC) member and KHS member Mike Nardacci spoke about the caves. Mike knew the Robinsons who lived on the property where the Knox Cave is located and has explored the Cave several times. NCC is in favor of erecting an historic marker for the Cave and agrees with KHS that the marker should be on the lawn of the Saddlemire Homestead, not near the actual site of the Cave. Mike will speak with Dr. Art Palmer who wrote the Knox Cave Report several years ago. Wording on the sign needs to be concise and KHS needs to provide primary source material backing up wording on the sign.
Old Business: There is still no word if the $19,000 grant from NYS will be awarded to the Town to fund the improvements and repairs to the Saddlemire Homestead. Gary received a quote for masonry work from Staats Masonry for $10,000. Gary will continue to try to get additional quotes for masonry work.
The Saddlemire Homestead will be open on Sunday, Aug. 18. Jeff Fusco-Jones and Anna will open the Homestead for visitors.
We have copies on thumb drives of the Anti-Rent War play. We will present the play on Sunday, Oct. 13 in the Town Hall at 2 pm. We will reserve Town Hall and advertise the play presentation in the Altamont Enterprise, Facebook, and put up flyers. This date coincides with PATH through History. We will let the Albany County Historical Society know about our program.
We will check with Jeff Fusco-Jones to see if a cemetery walk sometime in October can be planned.
Gary will print out graphic for lanyards that KHS members can wear while manning the Homestead for visitors.
Dennis and Gary mounted the Vanetta Hotel sign, Grange sign, and Barkley Store sign in the Tool Room.
New Business:
Dennis suggested that KHS observe the 50th anniversary of KHS in 2026. This year is also the 250th anniversary of our country. We could plan an observance in conjunction with the Puckerstreet Fair in 2026. We should get a banner with our name on it for publicity purposes. Anna has not been able to find additional pillboxes in the Homestead. We will continue to look for them. We don’t know how to order more. The pillboxes were last ordered during the Sesquicentennial.
We need to decide how we want to use the prototypes of quilt barn squares from Vicki Vatimo. The squares were made by John Elberfeld. We have 11 1x1 squares and 2 2x2 squares.
Dennis found out that Roman C. Przysiecki’s name is not on the veteran’s display. A new display is now outside Town Hall and we have the original display in the Patriots Room. We will check to see if Roman’s name is on both displays. Gary offered to make a new slat to add Roman’s name to the display in the Patriots Room, if indeed his name is missing.
A pleat-maker device has been donated by Dennis’ mother-in-law. Donna will accession the item.
We will have a display on Ice Harvesting at the Altamont Fair. Donna will contact Chandra Reis and set up the display at the fair.
We should clean the Frink Cemetery sometime in September. We will pick a date at the September meeting.
The grounds around the porch at the Homestead need to be cleaned up.
It was decided at the July meeting that HHA binder should be stored in the town hall archives. Donna will notify Zenie Gladieux. We will also store the Kiwanis binders in the town hall archives.
Future programs at the Homestead could include presentations by Mike Nardacci on Knox Cave, Lou Saddlemire and Bob Stevens on growing up in Knox.
New Scotland has a law about preserving items of historical significance from structures that are being demolished. Anna will check out the wording of the New Scotland law.
Gary suggested that leftover t-shirts from bicentennial car show could be updated for 50th anniversary of KHS.
Gary has lock with a code that he will fit for the front door of the Homestead.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Gwin, Secretary
The August 6, 2024 Knox Historical Society meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Pres. Dennis Barber. Members present included Gary Crewell, Jay Francis, Donna Gwin, Mike Nardacci, Charlene Scoons, Henry Whipple, and Anna Wolfe.
Minutes: Gary made a motion to approve the July minutes that were emailed. Henry seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s report: KHS total assets are $5,931.39. We have $1,256.62 in the checking account. We have $410.86 in the preferred savings account. We have $4,263.74 in the CD. Membership dues have been collected, $260.00. The cost for maintaining the Weebly website for has gone up to $259.20. KHS will continue to maintain the website. Minutes of past years will be removed from the website since they are maintained on hard copy in the Homestead. Two road signs, 24x36”, have been made by Bill Vincent notifying drivers that they are entering the Town of Knox. The cost is $114.12. Gary made a motion to pay for the signs and Charlene seconded it. The motion passed. Gary made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report. Henry seconded it. Motion passed.
Historic Marker: KHS plans to apply for funding from the Pomeroy Foundation for an historic marker for the Knox Caves. Northeast Cave Conservancy (NCC) member and KHS member Mike Nardacci spoke about the caves. Mike knew the Robinsons who lived on the property where the Knox Cave is located and has explored the Cave several times. NCC is in favor of erecting an historic marker for the Cave and agrees with KHS that the marker should be on the lawn of the Saddlemire Homestead, not near the actual site of the Cave. Mike will speak with Dr. Art Palmer who wrote the Knox Cave Report several years ago. Wording on the sign needs to be concise and KHS needs to provide primary source material backing up wording on the sign.
Old Business: There is still no word if the $19,000 grant from NYS will be awarded to the Town to fund the improvements and repairs to the Saddlemire Homestead. Gary received a quote for masonry work from Staats Masonry for $10,000. Gary will continue to try to get additional quotes for masonry work.
The Saddlemire Homestead will be open on Sunday, Aug. 18. Jeff Fusco-Jones and Anna will open the Homestead for visitors.
We have copies on thumb drives of the Anti-Rent War play. We will present the play on Sunday, Oct. 13 in the Town Hall at 2 pm. We will reserve Town Hall and advertise the play presentation in the Altamont Enterprise, Facebook, and put up flyers. This date coincides with PATH through History. We will let the Albany County Historical Society know about our program.
We will check with Jeff Fusco-Jones to see if a cemetery walk sometime in October can be planned.
Gary will print out graphic for lanyards that KHS members can wear while manning the Homestead for visitors.
Dennis and Gary mounted the Vanetta Hotel sign, Grange sign, and Barkley Store sign in the Tool Room.
New Business:
Dennis suggested that KHS observe the 50th anniversary of KHS in 2026. This year is also the 250th anniversary of our country. We could plan an observance in conjunction with the Puckerstreet Fair in 2026. We should get a banner with our name on it for publicity purposes. Anna has not been able to find additional pillboxes in the Homestead. We will continue to look for them. We don’t know how to order more. The pillboxes were last ordered during the Sesquicentennial.
We need to decide how we want to use the prototypes of quilt barn squares from Vicki Vatimo. The squares were made by John Elberfeld. We have 11 1x1 squares and 2 2x2 squares.
Dennis found out that Roman C. Przysiecki’s name is not on the veteran’s display. A new display is now outside Town Hall and we have the original display in the Patriots Room. We will check to see if Roman’s name is on both displays. Gary offered to make a new slat to add Roman’s name to the display in the Patriots Room, if indeed his name is missing.
A pleat-maker device has been donated by Dennis’ mother-in-law. Donna will accession the item.
We will have a display on Ice Harvesting at the Altamont Fair. Donna will contact Chandra Reis and set up the display at the fair.
We should clean the Frink Cemetery sometime in September. We will pick a date at the September meeting.
The grounds around the porch at the Homestead need to be cleaned up.
It was decided at the July meeting that HHA binder should be stored in the town hall archives. Donna will notify Zenie Gladieux. We will also store the Kiwanis binders in the town hall archives.
Future programs at the Homestead could include presentations by Mike Nardacci on Knox Cave, Lou Saddlemire and Bob Stevens on growing up in Knox.
New Scotland has a law about preserving items of historical significance from structures that are being demolished. Anna will check out the wording of the New Scotland law.
Gary suggested that leftover t-shirts from bicentennial car show could be updated for 50th anniversary of KHS.
Gary has lock with a code that he will fit for the front door of the Homestead.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Gwin, Secretary
Meeting Minutes
July 2, 2024
Knox Historical Society meeting was called to order at 7:20 by Vice President Gary Crewell. Meeting started late as there was no key to enter building. Members present included Charlene Scoons, Jay Francis, Jeff Fusco-Jones, Russell Pokorny, Henry Whipple, and Anne Wolfe.
Saddlemire Homestead Improvements and repairs
July 14-Dennis
July 28- Charlene and Gary
August 18 Jeff and Anna
September - No scheduled dates currently due to possible work on porch.
Letting people know that museum will be open.
Ann to contact Tracey to get dates listed on Town Website and Altamont Enterprise - Email Melissa 2 weeks in advance.
New Business:
Saddlemire or Bob Stevens- talk about past- Businesses and activities in the town in the past- gas station-ice cream parlor-hang out.
Motion to adjourn at 8:55
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Scoons, Acting Secretary
July 2, 2024
Knox Historical Society meeting was called to order at 7:20 by Vice President Gary Crewell. Meeting started late as there was no key to enter building. Members present included Charlene Scoons, Jay Francis, Jeff Fusco-Jones, Russell Pokorny, Henry Whipple, and Anne Wolfe.
- Russ printed agenda for all.
- Discussion on work to occur on museum building: Russ and Ken to meet with Tyler (Contractor) next Tues or Wed., -concern for lead in paint.
- Treasurers Report: KHS total assets are $6,173.08 we have $1,514.23 in the checking account. We have $410.81 in the preferred savings account. We have $4,216.82 in the CD. Membership dues have been collected this month: $10.00. Jay made motion to accept report. Charlene seconded motion. Motion passes.
- Website costs went up to $240.00 for a 2 year subscription. Russ suggested that we should look for other options like Google which is free. Gary suggested that we not pay the full amount and pay monthly while less expensive options are explored. Gary made motion, Jay seconded motion. Motion passed.
- Email received regarding pill box that may have been produced in Knox. Picture of collection was shared. Discussed possibility of purchasing one of the boxes for the museum collection.
Saddlemire Homestead Improvements and repairs
- Grant $19,000 – NY State continues to delay awarding, but Town has approved moving forward with replacing the front porch and gutters. ($24,000) Work will not begin until September. We do not have a determination on painting at this time.
- There was one bid for $10,000 for work on basement foundation. Gary will continue to look for other options.
July 14-Dennis
July 28- Charlene and Gary
August 18 Jeff and Anna
September - No scheduled dates currently due to possible work on porch.
Letting people know that museum will be open.
Ann to contact Tracey to get dates listed on Town Website and Altamont Enterprise - Email Melissa 2 weeks in advance.
- Path Though History Weekend October 12-14: Considering showing the Anti Rent War presentation.
- Gary to work on making copies of Anti Rent War presentation.
- Discussion of Cemetery Walk or Haunted History Activity around Halloween- Jeff to ask his mother for input as she has organized similar events in the past. Jeff to reach out to Lou Saddlemire -town Historian for further ideas and information. Henry to share contact information for Lou.
- All agree that lanyards for members to wear when museum is open are a good idea. Gary working on designs for all to see and discuss.
- Quilt squares- still not sure what to do with them. Lend out to local businesses, give away?
- Planning for future events. Need for a portable sign for events, Guess the gadget, display items to attract people and promote discussion-interest.
- Further discussion on marker for Knox Cave. Deadline for submission July 29 to August 26. Dennis was to follow up on format for applications. Need to verify facts. Final application due September 20th.
- Pucker Street Fair- went well. Not many people in attendance. Fair was not well advertised. – Need for banner previously mentioned. Need to draw people in. Pill boxes to give away- Tooth Fairy. (Do we have more, can we get more?)
- Donations-hat, nightgown, roller skates: Do we have history on where they came from- address?
New Business:
- Summer Cleanup- outside museum -previously discussed.
- Discussed way to celebrate 250 anniversary-2026
- Helderberg Hill Towns Association – requested that KHS store HAA minutes. Tracey can store minutes in town vault.
- Discussed Anti Rent Wars presentation of New Scotland HS- mostly on Rensselaer County.
Saddlemire or Bob Stevens- talk about past- Businesses and activities in the town in the past- gas station-ice cream parlor-hang out.
- Discussed New Scotland Law regarding historic preservation-Town goes into home to be demolished and removes items of historical significance. Concern for liability.
- Discussed digging out pathway around museum-old sidewalk underneath.
- Need to clean out overgrowth around pathway.
- Need to grade ground away from museum to assist in drainage.
Motion to adjourn at 8:55
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Scoons, Acting Secretary
The June 4, 2024 Knox Historical Society meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by Pres. Dennis Barber. Members present included Gary Crewell, Jay Francis, Jeff Fusco-Jones, Donna Gwin, Charlene Scoons, and Anna Wolfe.
Minutes: Gary made a motion to approve the May minutes that were emailed. Charlene seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s report: KHS total assets are $6,147.73. We have $1,504.23 in the checking account. We have $410.76 in the preferred savings account. We have $4,232.57 in the CD. Membership dues have been collected, $260.00 We received $50 from the Colonie senior citizens who visited the Homestead and took a brief tour of the Helderberg Quilt Barn Trail on May 9. We received $67 from sales of glasses, ornaments, and pill boxes on Memorial Day. Jay made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report. Gary seconded it. Motion passed.
We welcomed new member Jeff Fusco-Jones.
Old Business: Gary will attend the Town Board meeting on June 11. Bids are being received for work on the Saddlemire Homestead. The Town has committed to spending $30,000 this year on the Homestead to repair the basement wall, gutters, porch, and painting. The Town has applied for a grant for additional funding.
A copy, on a thumb drive, of the Anti-Rent War play has been placed in the KHS archive box in the Town Hall. We have additional copies of the play on thumb drives.
Ray Weiler replaced the dimmer switch in the Reading Room in the Homestead.
KHS can apply in July to the Pomeroy Foundation for funding for an historical marker. After discussion it was decided to ask for funding for a marker about the Knox Caves. The Cave Conservancy in the past asked that if there was a marker that it not be placed near the entrance to the cave for safety reasons. Members decided that the lawn of the Homestead would be an appropriate sit for the marker. Donna will contact Mike Nardacci to see if he approves of the site. We will also check with the Town. Application to the Pomeroy Foundation will be done in July.
Voting was held in May for officers and trustees. After checking with potential trustees who were not at the May meeting a new vote was held for trustees positions: Jay Francis, Nancy Frueh, and Jeff Fusco-Jones. The trustees slate passed unanimously.
New Business:
KHS will have a table at the Puckerstreet Fair on Sat., June 15 from 2-5 pm. Gary, Charlene, and Dennis will set up the display and man the table from 2-4 pm. Donna and Dennis will man the table from 4-5 pm. We will sell glasses, ornaments, pillboxes and have a calendar of upcoming events. Gary has a pop-up tent that we can use. Anna will email June Springer notifying her of our participation in the fair.
There is a new barn quilt on the Altamont Spray Welding Business on Rt. 146 and Lewis Road. Gary knows the owner and will ask if they wish to be a part of the HQBT.
Anna received prototypes of quilt barn squares from Vicki Vatimo. The squares were made by John Elberfeld. We have 11 1x1 squares and 2 2x2 squares. Donna made a motion to accept the squares and Jay seconded the motion. The motion passed. Gary suggested KHS mount a few of the squares to a frame and set it on the Homestead porch. Perhaps other squares can be offered to organizations and residents who would like to add them to their property and be a part of the HQBT.
On Memorial Day Jessie Chartier donated items found in his home on Rt. 156. Items included a woman’s portrait on paper, nightgown, cap, and garters, and a black hat, all circa late 1800’s. Gary made a motion to accept the items, Charlene seconded the motion, and motion passed.
Gary and Dennis will work on improving the Tool Room.
Mrs. Kelsch offered skates used at the Knox Cave Roller Rink. Anna will contact her.
The Saddlemire Homestead will be open on Sun., July 14 and July 28 and Aug 18, from 2-4 pm.
KHS plans to participate in Path Through History Oct. 12-14.
Suggestions were made for a Cemetery Walk in October. Jeff will check out ideas.
Gary suggested that volunteers in the Homestead wear lanyards with cards to identify them to visitors. Dennis suggested that the Town seal be on the 3x5 card.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Gwin, Secretary
Minutes: Gary made a motion to approve the May minutes that were emailed. Charlene seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s report: KHS total assets are $6,147.73. We have $1,504.23 in the checking account. We have $410.76 in the preferred savings account. We have $4,232.57 in the CD. Membership dues have been collected, $260.00 We received $50 from the Colonie senior citizens who visited the Homestead and took a brief tour of the Helderberg Quilt Barn Trail on May 9. We received $67 from sales of glasses, ornaments, and pill boxes on Memorial Day. Jay made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report. Gary seconded it. Motion passed.
We welcomed new member Jeff Fusco-Jones.
Old Business: Gary will attend the Town Board meeting on June 11. Bids are being received for work on the Saddlemire Homestead. The Town has committed to spending $30,000 this year on the Homestead to repair the basement wall, gutters, porch, and painting. The Town has applied for a grant for additional funding.
A copy, on a thumb drive, of the Anti-Rent War play has been placed in the KHS archive box in the Town Hall. We have additional copies of the play on thumb drives.
Ray Weiler replaced the dimmer switch in the Reading Room in the Homestead.
KHS can apply in July to the Pomeroy Foundation for funding for an historical marker. After discussion it was decided to ask for funding for a marker about the Knox Caves. The Cave Conservancy in the past asked that if there was a marker that it not be placed near the entrance to the cave for safety reasons. Members decided that the lawn of the Homestead would be an appropriate sit for the marker. Donna will contact Mike Nardacci to see if he approves of the site. We will also check with the Town. Application to the Pomeroy Foundation will be done in July.
Voting was held in May for officers and trustees. After checking with potential trustees who were not at the May meeting a new vote was held for trustees positions: Jay Francis, Nancy Frueh, and Jeff Fusco-Jones. The trustees slate passed unanimously.
New Business:
KHS will have a table at the Puckerstreet Fair on Sat., June 15 from 2-5 pm. Gary, Charlene, and Dennis will set up the display and man the table from 2-4 pm. Donna and Dennis will man the table from 4-5 pm. We will sell glasses, ornaments, pillboxes and have a calendar of upcoming events. Gary has a pop-up tent that we can use. Anna will email June Springer notifying her of our participation in the fair.
There is a new barn quilt on the Altamont Spray Welding Business on Rt. 146 and Lewis Road. Gary knows the owner and will ask if they wish to be a part of the HQBT.
Anna received prototypes of quilt barn squares from Vicki Vatimo. The squares were made by John Elberfeld. We have 11 1x1 squares and 2 2x2 squares. Donna made a motion to accept the squares and Jay seconded the motion. The motion passed. Gary suggested KHS mount a few of the squares to a frame and set it on the Homestead porch. Perhaps other squares can be offered to organizations and residents who would like to add them to their property and be a part of the HQBT.
On Memorial Day Jessie Chartier donated items found in his home on Rt. 156. Items included a woman’s portrait on paper, nightgown, cap, and garters, and a black hat, all circa late 1800’s. Gary made a motion to accept the items, Charlene seconded the motion, and motion passed.
Gary and Dennis will work on improving the Tool Room.
Mrs. Kelsch offered skates used at the Knox Cave Roller Rink. Anna will contact her.
The Saddlemire Homestead will be open on Sun., July 14 and July 28 and Aug 18, from 2-4 pm.
KHS plans to participate in Path Through History Oct. 12-14.
Suggestions were made for a Cemetery Walk in October. Jeff will check out ideas.
Gary suggested that volunteers in the Homestead wear lanyards with cards to identify them to visitors. Dennis suggested that the Town seal be on the 3x5 card.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Gwin, Secretary
The May 7, 2024 Knox Historical Society meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Pres. Dennis Barber. Members present included Gary Crewell, Jay Francis, Donna Gwin, Charlene Scoons, Henry Whipple, and Anna Wolfe. Town Supervisor Russ Pokorny also attended.
Treasurer’s report: KHS total assets are $5,738.37. We have $1110.67 in the checking account. We have $410.71 in the preferred savings account. We have $4,216.82 in the CD. Anna personally purchased the Town of Knox ledgers, 1831-1887 from Dennis Holzman, antiques dealer in Cohoes and donated the ledger to KHS. Membership dues were collected. Donna submitted a bill from Altamont Enterprise Printing for $19.44 for the printing of 50 copies of the Helderberg Quilt Barn Trail.
Old Business: Russ Pokorny said the Town Board has agreed to spend $30,000 this year for repairs and painting of the Saddlemire Homestead. Anna has received quotes from a few local contractors: Tyler Sigond, Ryan Coates, and an Amish group. Additional contractors will be contacted for quotes. Repairs include porch, shutters, foundation repairs, gutters and eventually painting. Gary is knowledgeable about repairs on historic buildings and will discuss with Ken Saddlemire. Dan Sherman, Town Building Inspector, will also be contacted.
Nick Viscio edited the Anti-Rent War play and gave a thumb drive with files of the play to Russ Pokorny. Russ will make additional copies and KHS will receive a copy of the thumb drive. KHS can present a viewing of the play sometime in the future.
New Business: Dennis suggested that KHS apply to the Pomeroy Foundation for funding for additional NYS Historic Markers. Dennis suggested markers for the Henry Barkley House on the corner of Rt. 156 and Knox Cave Road. This building was the site of the Knox Town Board meetings in the early years of our Town. Dennis also suggested a marker for the Knox Caves, the Barent Lewis Stone House on Bozenkill Road, and Jay Francis’ house on Rt. 156. We will check the Pomeroy website for the application forms for historic markers.
Henry re-painted several of the marker signs last fall. He said the marker on Knox-Gallupville Road needs more concrete at the base because the marker is wobbly.
Anna cleaned the Saddlemire Homestead in preparation for a Senior Citizens group that will visit on May 9. The group will tour the Homestead, eat lunch in the Town Park pavilion, and then travel on their bus to view Quilt Barns. The Helderberg Quilt Barn Trail has been updated. Copies of the Trail are available online at
The dimmer light switch in the Reading Room gets warm after it has been on for a while. Russ will ask Ray Weiler to change the light switch to a regular light switch.
Jay submitted a slate of names for officers and trustees in the KHS:
Dennis, Pres.; Gary Crewell, VP; Donna, Sec.; Anna, Treas.; Trustees, Jay, Ray Hand, Nancy Frueh. Dennis seconded the slate of names. Since Ray is not at our meeting we will contact him to see if he is able to be a trustee. The slate of name passed unanimously, pending the agreement of Nancy and Ray to be trustees.
Charlene Scoons agreed to take-over management of the Facebook page for the Helderberg Quilt Barn Trail. It was previously managed by Vicki Vatimo. Donna will arrange the contact between Vicki and Charlene.
We are considering displaying The History of Ice Harvesting at the Altamont Fair. Donna and Anna presented this history at Winterfest in Knox and at the Berne Historical Society in April.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Gwin, Secretary
Treasurer’s report: KHS total assets are $5,738.37. We have $1110.67 in the checking account. We have $410.71 in the preferred savings account. We have $4,216.82 in the CD. Anna personally purchased the Town of Knox ledgers, 1831-1887 from Dennis Holzman, antiques dealer in Cohoes and donated the ledger to KHS. Membership dues were collected. Donna submitted a bill from Altamont Enterprise Printing for $19.44 for the printing of 50 copies of the Helderberg Quilt Barn Trail.
Old Business: Russ Pokorny said the Town Board has agreed to spend $30,000 this year for repairs and painting of the Saddlemire Homestead. Anna has received quotes from a few local contractors: Tyler Sigond, Ryan Coates, and an Amish group. Additional contractors will be contacted for quotes. Repairs include porch, shutters, foundation repairs, gutters and eventually painting. Gary is knowledgeable about repairs on historic buildings and will discuss with Ken Saddlemire. Dan Sherman, Town Building Inspector, will also be contacted.
Nick Viscio edited the Anti-Rent War play and gave a thumb drive with files of the play to Russ Pokorny. Russ will make additional copies and KHS will receive a copy of the thumb drive. KHS can present a viewing of the play sometime in the future.
New Business: Dennis suggested that KHS apply to the Pomeroy Foundation for funding for additional NYS Historic Markers. Dennis suggested markers for the Henry Barkley House on the corner of Rt. 156 and Knox Cave Road. This building was the site of the Knox Town Board meetings in the early years of our Town. Dennis also suggested a marker for the Knox Caves, the Barent Lewis Stone House on Bozenkill Road, and Jay Francis’ house on Rt. 156. We will check the Pomeroy website for the application forms for historic markers.
Henry re-painted several of the marker signs last fall. He said the marker on Knox-Gallupville Road needs more concrete at the base because the marker is wobbly.
Anna cleaned the Saddlemire Homestead in preparation for a Senior Citizens group that will visit on May 9. The group will tour the Homestead, eat lunch in the Town Park pavilion, and then travel on their bus to view Quilt Barns. The Helderberg Quilt Barn Trail has been updated. Copies of the Trail are available online at
The dimmer light switch in the Reading Room gets warm after it has been on for a while. Russ will ask Ray Weiler to change the light switch to a regular light switch.
Jay submitted a slate of names for officers and trustees in the KHS:
Dennis, Pres.; Gary Crewell, VP; Donna, Sec.; Anna, Treas.; Trustees, Jay, Ray Hand, Nancy Frueh. Dennis seconded the slate of names. Since Ray is not at our meeting we will contact him to see if he is able to be a trustee. The slate of name passed unanimously, pending the agreement of Nancy and Ray to be trustees.
Charlene Scoons agreed to take-over management of the Facebook page for the Helderberg Quilt Barn Trail. It was previously managed by Vicki Vatimo. Donna will arrange the contact between Vicki and Charlene.
We are considering displaying The History of Ice Harvesting at the Altamont Fair. Donna and Anna presented this history at Winterfest in Knox and at the Berne Historical Society in April.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Gwin, Secretary