Whistleblower Policy
Section 1 Purpose
The KHS Whistleblower Policy protects from retaliation persons who report suspected improper conduct. Any KHS member who in good faith reports to the board any action or suspected action taken by or within the corporation that is illegal, fraudulent, or in violation of any adopted policy of the corporation shall not suffer intimidation, harassment, discrimination or other retaliation or, in the case of employees, adverse employment consequence.
Section 2 Procedure
The Whistleblower must report the allegation to a KHS officer or trustee. Confidentiality will be maintained. A meeting of the KHS officers and trustees will be called to discuss the matter. The person who is the subject of a whistleblower complaint may not be present at or participate in preliminary board or committee deliberations but will be given the opportunity to address the complaint prior to any vote on the matter. Corrective action will be taken if necessary.
Section 1 Purpose
The KHS Whistleblower Policy protects from retaliation persons who report suspected improper conduct. Any KHS member who in good faith reports to the board any action or suspected action taken by or within the corporation that is illegal, fraudulent, or in violation of any adopted policy of the corporation shall not suffer intimidation, harassment, discrimination or other retaliation or, in the case of employees, adverse employment consequence.
Section 2 Procedure
The Whistleblower must report the allegation to a KHS officer or trustee. Confidentiality will be maintained. A meeting of the KHS officers and trustees will be called to discuss the matter. The person who is the subject of a whistleblower complaint may not be present at or participate in preliminary board or committee deliberations but will be given the opportunity to address the complaint prior to any vote on the matter. Corrective action will be taken if necessary.